Posts Tagged ‘liberalism’

Obama Happily Hands Iraq and Afghanistan to Al-Qaeda to

Discredit George W. Bush

June 12, 2014

RUSH: I think this administration wants both Iraq and Afghanistan to fail as stable democracies.  And if you doubt that, would you give me — I’m open to changing my mind about this — just give me any evidence to the contrary…  Nouri al-Maliki asking for American air support in Iraq gives Obama another political opportunity to blame Bush. And that is an opportunity they just can’t pass up. It’s too juicy.

Could Obama Issue a Blanket Pardon for Illegal Immigrants?

June 12, 2014

RUSH: Have you forgotten Jimmy Carter did a blanket pardon of all Vietnam-era draft dodgers? Do you recall that? Some of you are not old enough to remember that, but he did. Look, this is just a prediction by Steven Hayward at Power Line. I read it last night.